52-58 Woodford Street, Newtown, Port of Spain.

Freedom of Information

Act No 26 of 1999- Freedom of Information Act (FOIA)


7. (1) A public authority shall, with the approval of the Minister –

       (a) cause to be published in the Gazette and in a daily newspaper circulating in Trinidad and Tobago as soon as practicable after the commencement of this Act

           (v) a statement of the procedure to be followed by a person when a request for access to a document is made to a public authority;

          (vi) a statement specifying the officer responsible within each public authority for the initial receipt of, and action upon, notices under section 10, requests for access to documents under section 13 and applications under section 36;

How can an officer make a request for information under the Freedom of Information Act, 1999?

In keeping with the above Section of the Freedom of Information Act, the procedure is to be followed by a person when a request for access to a document in the Service Commissions Department is as follows:

Step 1:
Fill out the required Freedom of Information Request Form
(In addition to the required fields on the form, kindly provide an email address at which you can be contacted to facilitate easier and timelier communication with you.)

Step 2:
Sign and date the Freedom of Information Form

Step 3:
Submit/Email your application to: Ms Alicia Franklyn, Senior Human Resource Adviser to: 52-58 Woodford Street, Newton, Port of Spain or scdfoia@gov.tt

Ms Alicia Franklyn, Senior Human Resource Adviser is the designated officer responsible for the initial receipt of and actions upon, notices under the Freedom of Information Act.

Please ensure that all details are accurate and legible to avoid delays, providing sufficient information to enable the designated officer to identify the document/s requested with reasonable effort (as in accordance with section 13 (2) of the FOIA).

You can monitor the progress of your application status by utilising the email address stated.

Thought Leadership Series


52-58 Woodford Street, Newtown, Port of Spain.

(868) 623-2991/7

DFL Building, #10 Cipriani Boulevard, Newtown, Port of Spain.

(868) 623-2711

99A Pasea Main Road, Tunapuna 330839.

(868) 612-0062

 41 A Wilson Road, Scarborough, Tobago.

(868) 639-5018/639-4949